
  1. Seni Purveyor of Curiosities

    Seni Purveyor of Curiosities

    Seni the Purveyor of Curiosities in Backwater
  2. Evenjar Purveyor of Curiosities

    Evenjar Purveyor of Curiosities

    Evenjar the Purveyor of Curiosities in Zarbinzet
  3. Ostaf Purveyor of Curiosities

    Ostaf Purveyor of Curiosities

    Ostaf the Purveyor of Curiosities in Gea Kul
  4. Aldai Purveyor of Curiosities

    Aldai Purveyor of Curiosities

    Aldai the Purveyor of Curiosities in Jirandai
  5. Lizveth Purveyor of Curiosities

    Lizveth Purveyor of Curiosities

    Lizveth the Purveyor of Curiosities in Kyovashad
  6. Elbek Purveyor of Curiosities

    Elbek Purveyor of Curiosities

    Elbek the Purveyor of Curiosities in Ked Bardu
  7. Fideg Purveyor of Curiosities

    Fideg Purveyor of Curiosities

    Fideg Purveyor of Curiosities in Cerrigar
  8. Z

    Gambling my life savings again: Another 1,000,000,000 gold gambling game for the NPCs of sanctuary

    Introduction: Earlier this year, my first 1,000,000,000 gambling game was completed. 4 contestants - Gheed, Elzix, Alkor and Anya, pilfered, plundered and robbed me of every penny of my life savings, hoping to win the title: Sultan of Sanctuary. Ultimately even 1 billion gold was not enough and...
  9. Z

    Gambling my life savings: A 1,000,000,000 gold gambling game for the NPCs of sanctuary

    Preface: As the SPF has provided me with countless hours of entertainment, information and intrigue, I humbly share this project for your entertainment and perhaps to inspire you too, to gamble your hard-earned gold :p Introduction: I'm always on the lookout for fun 'little projects'. This...