Welcome to the VGAssist Beta - Here's what's happening


Staff member
Mar 12, 2020
Yes, we are back after a long break and we've made some significant changes to the site as you can see. If you were with us in the site's previous incarnation, welcome back!

Consider this a beta as we continue to fix things up and add new features in the weeks ahead.

If you are new to VGAssist, the idea behind the site is to cut to the chase if you are looking for answers to your videogame questions. VGAssist is not here for major debates, discussions, meme posts, guides full of waffle, or anything like that. We want you to find the answers to your questions as fast as possible.

The community is the driving force behind VGAssist. We encourage everyone to share their knowledge and help fellow gamers with their pressing questions.

As we build the site out, we are looking to add the rewards system where prolific helpers can earn for their contributions and we'll share more on that in due course as we continue to test the current functionality. We will also be looking for knowledgeable moderators to ensure the right answers get the boost they need.

There are a few niggles here and there and the odd link that go to the wrong place but that's due to moving over from the old system to the new where we ported over some of the older Q&As.

Thanks again for stopping by, we're always looking for your feedback and suggestions so feel free to chip in.

- The VGAssist Team
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Update: 4 September

We did a lot of rejigging over the weekend and a couple of things have been added:

1. Social logins such as Discord, Twitch, Google and BattleNet.
2. Improving mobile layout and performance.
3. Improved readability in areas such as the tags.

Next up are rewards for posting and answering as well as their reward icons.
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Update: 15 September

Plenty of styling changes today:
  • Added colours to members' post information in questions
  • Moved solved questions ticks to the left of the questions list and enlarged them.
  • Increased Avatar sizes
  • Added "Ask Question" button under "Latest Questions" in the left.
  • Top navigation on the Questions list now more visible
  • Split out questions into their own boxes.
Thanks for the feedback on all of the above.
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